Monday, May 6, 2013

Reckless running

I’ve written about this on several occasions before, but I feel like it can’t be stressed enough: will power is a very, well, powerful tool. It can make you do the most amazing things, and the strangest. At present moment I’m fairly dizzy and quite delirious - all because of will power. I decided that today would be a good day to start running again - I haven’t for about a week, substituting my intended cardio increase with a brisk walk instead. The effect’s the same. I thought. Well, that was until will power happened this evening. I was feeling sluggish, tired, and annoyingly warm by the time I’d finished my 30-minute strength program, and thought, “Hey! Tonight might be a good night to start running again.” So I did. But not on last week’s cardio program like normal, sane - and not currently possessed by will power - people would do. Oh no, sir. I did the cardio program for this week. Which I’ve never done before, by the way.

Now, a little bit about this cardio increase thing: it increases every week, as the name suggests. I’m currently in my third week of a ten-week workout plan. The daily strength programs stay the same, but cardio, you guessed it, increases. So the first week, I ran for one minute and walked for two minutes, and I did this seven times. Then, in the second week, I ran for two minutes and walked for two minutes - five reps. So, it would kind of make sense, right, to perhaps start with last week’s running scheme, considering I haven’t run for a little less than a week? Nope. Will power stepped in. “You can do this, Synne! Prove to the world you can do this.” So I did. I picked a spot on our wall, somewhere between my favourite quotation that I mentioned last week and a picture of Jesus walking on a water treadmill. And I ran for three minutes on full speed, and walked for two minutes at approximately 160 heartbeats per minute, four times. Now I’m sat here, with eyes half-open, trying to comprehend if Ariz is asking me if I’d like chicken, or if I’d like to climb into the oven myself. I don’t know. I’m pretty tired. Thanks, will power. You did it again. Chicken, anyone?

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