Monday, April 29, 2013

Fantastic (home) fitness

So, I used to think that having a home gym was for those people who either a) are too lazy to go to the gym or b) want their guests to think they train so much they have to have their equipment in immediate reach. It turns out, I have been utterly disillusioned, and completely wrong. When you’ve got space for it, having a home gym is probably one of the most practical things I have ever experienced in my entire life - and I’m Norwegian, engaged to a Swede, so I know practicality when I see it. 

The best thing about having a home gym is probably that you don’t have to organise to actually go to the gym - so there’s no “Well, we’ll do it after the groceries,” or “Yeah, let’s drive there before lunch.” No, sirree - you just put on whatever clothes you want to train in (that’s another perk), and walk the two metres from your bedroom to, voila, your training area. Admittedly, it’s neither as big, nor as fancy as a gym, but the actual amount of space you’d spend at a real gym probably isn’t much more than what you can do in a little room at home anyway. Plus, you get all that space to yourself. 

Second favourite of mine is the fact that I can behave exactly as I like in our home gym. Even though that was pretty close to the case at Aqualife too, there’s just something amazing (perhaps particularly being a woman) about being able to groan like the steroid-heads from Predator whenever I’m pushing heavy, or just plain feel like it. I can put my Schwarzenegger face on and grumble as much as I want.

Then, the third best thing about having a home gym is the fact that you can decorate it to your heart’s desire, and play whatever music you want. Our walls are covered in pictures of everything from Dr. Life to Mr. Olympia himself, plus some good motivational quotes for me, my favourite of which is “Skinny girls look good in clothes - Fit girls look good naked.”

Superior to all these things, however, is the fact that I’m getting much better results at home than I was getting at the gym. Ariz noted this a few days ago after a workout session, saying he had started to sense an inkling of actual back muscle on me. I immediately walked into the bathroom, posed in front of the mirror, and tensed my back. And there they were: microscopic little patches of uneven where muscles have slowly started to form. Perhaps groans and moans are the way to go after all. 

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