Sunday, November 4, 2012

Grumpy stomach

This has been an interesting week. Once again I’ve suffered from migraines, entirely related to stress, and a little bug that’s found a small home in my body. I haven’t invited either of them to stay, and I’m being extremely nice to the two, as I don’t want them to prolong their designated visitation hours. As a result of these unexpected guests, however, I only went to the gym four times this week, and guess what? It doesn’t feel good at all. The funny thing is, when I work out, I’m motivated to eat healthy, because all my body aches for once a session at the gym is over, is replenishment of two things: energy and physical rest. The energy comes in its entirety from the thoroughly wholesome, and delicious, food I eat, and when I can’t go to the gym due to silly things like migraines and obnoxious bugs, I have a tendency to feel less enthusiastic about my meal plan too.

So, today, I made cardamom waffles. I know what you must be thinking; those things certainly don’t fit into any category of my super duper summer diet. Not even close. The only thing remotely healthy in there were eggs (but with the yoke, of course) and milk (but that one was full cream). The funny thing was, the waffles, once they had been made from dough to the little heart-shaped treats they are, didn’t taste nice. I set my teeth into the first one, and instantly my body - which shrieked for sugar just a couple of weeks ago - curled itself up into a mush of stagnancy, nausea, and utter discontent. It was as if my energy level quite simply quit on me, and gave up. So I had a little sleep. Then, when I woke up, my body was shrieking for something entirely different. It wanted vegetable chicken stock soup. 

Ah, the joy of peeling a potato. These apples of the earth that have accompanied me since I was a baby, and that somehow manage to fill me up with warmth and comfort, no matter how hungry, nauseous, or sick I am. Right now, they’re boiling softly with carrots, swedes, and some serious amounts of garlic (cause Ariz said, regardless of the terrible breath it gives you, it’s actually quite the immune system booster). The smell that’s filling up the house is just right; no fatty butter ooze or packed-with-flour treats. My bowl stands ready next to the pot, and my tummy seems to be smiling in delight once again. Tomorrow morning I’m having a kiwi and raspberry vanilla yoghurt smoothie for breakfast, and salmon salad for lunch. Hopefully both migraine and bug will pack their bags and I’ll be able to visit the gym once more - armed with proper energy - by Tuesday or Wednesday. Either way, it’s like I said to my German friend, Luisa: this doesn’t have anything to do with looks. Once you hit 50, it’ll be all about staying healthy, and then, your body will thank you for the years of groundwork you’ve put into its well-being, going for long walks and enjoying the occasional vegetable chicken stock soup. 

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