Monday, December 31, 2012

Ridiculous resolutions

I have never understood the concept of a new years resolution. The idea, to me, is quite silly, simply because I believe that at any time of the year you should be able to set yourself a goal and begin working towards it. But on New Year’s Eve, it seems people can make anything happen. They appear to be fuelled by some newfound strength and self control, which they believe shall last throughout the rest of the year. I’m fairly certain that someone, at some point - possibly after a few bottles of champagne - have decided that they’re going to start growing wings on the 1st of January. It’s ironic then, with all my confusion and arrogance towards the new years resolution, that New Year’s Eve 2012 is looking to be chock full of my own. 

I have many goals for 2013, the main of which are to stress less and smile more. And 2012 has certainly showed me that getting myself to the gym at least four times a week is extremely contributory in achieving these things, especially when spending close to an hour tuning in to an audiobook on the treadmill. This has also been the year where I’ve found that stuffing my face with pizza, coke, and ice cream, is not nurturing of inner balance, peace, or a healthy body. You are what you eat, and although I am not green, lettuce, asparagus, and cucumber all make me happier, more relaxed, and less worried about, well, everything. 

2012 has taught me patience; how long it can take to cook the perfect beef stroganoff, or reach the desired number of weighted lunges. How incredibly much you can read about health and fitness and happiness and balance, feel like you’re absolutely nowhere close to where you want to be, and still keep pushing towards that lush, tranquil place you so desire for your mind and soul. In 2013, I plan to cook at least one lengthy (that is, takes me long to make) meal a day, and take as much time to enjoy it as I took to prepare it. I’m going to go for more walks in my neighbourhood, and appreciate the absolute joy my muscles and pipes feel at having reached a stamina they haven’t had since I was five years old. Most of all, I’m going to be thankful for the longterm goal I’ve managed to reach over the course of this year; I’m a total gym nut, and my idea of an incredible breakfast is the simple pleasure of enjoying a fresh raspberry smoothie. 

Happy New Year :)

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